Who conducts EEG Biofeedback Therapy?
What is Neurofeedback used for?
How is Biofeedback done?
What conditions can be treated with EEG Biofeedback?
Why does this procedure work?
How long does EEG Biofeedback training take?
Is EEG Biofeedback Therapy covered by insurance?

Who conducts EEG Biofeedback Therapy?
EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback) Therapy is provided by licensed psychologists and certified neurofeedback therapists who are committed to a non-invasive approach to reduce or eliminate problems related to regulation of the central nervouse system.

Neurofeedback, first used in the treatment of epilepsy, has now been applied to treat a variety of disorders and is growing in acceptance as an alternative to medication.

Certified neurotherapists in your area can be located through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA). Go to my Resources page for the website link.

What is Neurofeedback used for?
Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) is a technique that enables a person to alter their brainwaves. It is used for many conditions and disabilities in which the brain is not working as well as it might.

Neurofeedback Therapy helps control mood disorders like anxiety and depression. Also problems relating to the central nervous system such as conduct disorder, temper tantrums, specific learning disabilities, ADHD related, sleep disorders, epilepsy, cognitive dysfunction resulting from head trauma, stroke or aging.

EEG Biofeedback is also used for patients undergoing cancer treatment, by reducing stress, pain and nausea, and enhancing immunity.

How is Biofeedback done?
During the initial interview, an individual and family health history will be obtained, previous tests reviewed, and a description of current symptoms will be documented.

A Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) and neurocognitive tests are often given. Treatment goals and neurofeedback procedures are discussed.

Neurofeedback training is a painless, non-invasive procedure. One or more sensors are placed on the scalp and on the ear with eeg paste. The electro-encephalogram (EEG) measures the amount of electrical energy put out by the brain.

Just like a radio station, the electricity is measured in terms of "frequency." The brainwaves or "bands" are monitored by means of an amplifier and a computer-based instrument that processes the brain's electrical signal and provides the proper feedback to the client.

The therapist sets the computerized goals to encourage or inhibit the desired brainwaves for the individual. A video game is displayed along with audio signals to reinforce brainwaves of the correct frequency, allowing the client to make the game go with theri brain.

As activity in a desired frequency band increases, the brain is provided with a reward signal, and the cleint learns to produce more of that frequency. When undesired brainwaves occur, the game slows, th tones and rewards stop, alerting the brain to change what it is doing, and get back to the desired frequencies.

This process produces physiological changes and teaches the client control over their nervous system.

What conditions can be treated with EEG Biofeedback?

Addictive Behavior
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Appetite Reduction and Weight Management
Auto-Immune Disfunction
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
Cancer Therapy Support
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Closed Head Injury
Conduct and Rage Disorders
Developmental Delay
Drug and Alcohol Dependency
Eating Disorders
Migranes and Chronic Pain
Memory Impairment
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Performance Anxiety
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prenatal Substance Disorder
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Sensory Integration Problems
Sleep Disorders
Stress Related Illness
Tourette's Syndrome

Why does this procedure work?
Neurofeedback is a form of operant conditioning, a learning process generated by the client, that is self-rewarding.

Neurofeedback works by training the brain to better self-regulate, or balance its own arousal level. Gradually the brain responds to the cues that are being given, and "learning" of a new brainwave rhythm takes place. The new pattern is one which is closer to what is normally observed in individuals without such disabilities.

By making information available about how the brain is functioning, the brain can learn to regulate or "reset" itself and continue to make adjustments after the training is over.

Once the brain learns this balance and flexibility, it applies this skill to its overall functioning and continues to process information in an efficient manner, improving, or eliminating symptoms, resulting in increased energy and function, physiological balance, and optimal performance.

How long does EEG Biofeedback training take?
EEG Biofeedback is a learning process, and results are seen gradually over time. For most conditions, improvement can be seen in less than ten sessions, buy may not fully remediate until 20 to 30 sessions. Individual results depend upon the type of disorder, severity of symptoms, and duration of the problem.

Appointments, including counseling and biofeedback training are 45 minutes. Generally, we like to see the client at least two to three times per week. The more frequently the client trains, the quicker and more dramatic the results.

Learning is "consolidated" by the brain - the more you practice, the easier the skills are developed. As the skills are obtained, the frequency of neurofeedback training is reduced until no longer necessary.

Is EEG Biofeedback Therapy covered by insurance?
Some medical and psychological insurance plans now cover biofeedback for various conditions. This should be discussed with your insurance company or your referring physician. We will be happy to supply you or your health care practitioner with an information package specific to your area of concern.

The cost of Neurofeedback Therapy is the same or less than counseling and most psychotherapy programs. There are no known adverse side effects from the training, provided that it is conducted under professional guidance.

Individual goals and expectations are discussed with the therapist at the beginning of therapy and any time during the neurofeedback training to assure successful outcomes.